About Us

Our Purpose

Network Services supports all FPM information technology needs including networking, help desk, PC hardware setup, trouble analysis, and problem resolution.  Network Services also works closely with USCs Information Technology Services Department (ITS) to ensure that FPM IT activities are in compliance with University regulations, policies and procedures.

Network Services is responsible for all of the FPM IT assets including all network servers, personal computers, other hardware, and end-user software applications.  Our goal is to provide users with continuous access to IT resources, and to resolve any problems in a timely manner to help maintain and increase system-wide productivity.

Our Responsibilities

Help Desk, Installation and User Support:

  • Assisting FPM users with computer hardware and software problems: troubleshooting, analysis and resolution.
  • Network Services is responsible for all IT equipment for FPM users which include (but is not limited) to: Windows based computers/desktops, monitors/LCD displays, laptops, tablets, mobile devices (such as Samsung J7) etc.

Network Files:

  • Providing storage, backup and restore services for network-shared user files and setting and maintaining access control lists to secure files

Network Printers:

  • Setting up network-based printers and installing printer drivers on user computers and coordinating with printer vendors to troubleshoot problems and assist with resolution

Network Server Scalability and Hosting:

  • Operating and managing the FPM SAN (Storage Area Network) to provide scalable and highly redundant storage for FPM servers.
  • Provisioning and managing virtual machines (VMs) or virtual servers required by applications.

Cloud Based Technologies:

  • Setup cloud based technologies such as Amazon S3 Storage and/or Azure file systems for files backup.

Network-based Applications:

  • Managing and coordinating various end-user applications such as Office 365, Meridian, CAD Map Servers, Lockshop specialty application servers, Laserfiche server, FAMIS application servers etc.)

IT Disaster Recovery Managers:

  • Responsible for the creation and annual testing of the IT DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) for FPM servers and working with departmental BCP (Business Continuity Plan) liaisons to update the BCP for FPM department.

Specialty Applications:

  • Responsible for management of the FPM Shakecast server which is used to provide USC building condition analysis and information tied in to USGIS in the event of a major earthquake.

USC ITS liaisons

  • Works with USC ITS in various committees to represent FPM in the formulation of IT network and security policies for USC.